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Thursday 15 April 2010

Causes of mesothelioma

In nine out of 10 people with mesothelioma, the cause is asbestos. Asbestos is a mineral which was used in construction, ship-building and household appliances until 1999 when its use was banned. For example, you may have breathed in asbestos when you worked in a factory which produced products containing asbestos, or when washing work clothes which had asbestos on them.
Your body reacts to asbestos by trying to get rid of it. Asbestos is made up of tiny fibres which, when breathed in, pass into the lungs and cause inflammation and fibrous tissue to form. The fibres then pass into other areas of the body such as the mesothelium as the body tries to get rid of the fibres from the lungs.
Mesothelioma caused by asbestos takes between 10 and 60 years to develop. It's been predicted that an increasing number of people will be diagnosed with it before 2015, when the number of people affected will be highest. When it peaks, about 3,000 people will be diagnosed each year. The number of people diagnosed should then decrease.
The causes of mesothelioma in people who haven't been exposed to asbestos aren't fully understood. But there are certain factors that may make mesothelioma more likely.
  • Exposure to radiation.
  • A mineral found in Turkey called Zeolite may cause mesothelioma.
  • Previous infection with the Simian monkey virus (SV40). This may be a co-factor, making mesothelioma more likely if you have come into contact with one of the other risk factors, such as asbestos.


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